William New, Trowbridge
William New is listed in Trowbridge between 1807 and 1822. Two baptisms of children of William and Elizabeth Stewart New were recorded in 1807 and 1809. His wife died in 1809. He married again in about 1812 and a further seven children were baptised at St. James's church, the children of William and Margaret Carter New. In 1821 he was recorded living in Fore Street and in 1822 listed as a Watch and Clockmaker and Silversmith, Market Place.
The eight day clock, striking hourly on a bell, has a 13" painted dial with a moon phase in the arch which is decorated with a rural and a maritime scene. The dial itself has floral corners with gold gesso surrounds. Interestingly, the calendar is unusual in that a brass hand indicates the date painted on the inside the roman hours. There is also a subsidiary seconds dial.
The case is made of mahogany, with a proportionately large full length door
Overall height to finial top is 87"
Price £5250