About Us
Born and bred in Wiltshire and living in the heart of the County, twenty five years ago, with our passion being local history, we bought our first local longcase clock. After a while with our understanding, knowledge and collection growing significantly, we started to sell them to people with a similar interest – sometimes to decendants of the maker, sometimes to people wanting a local clock or one from their home town or to those just wanting an antique clock. Clocks are almost unique amongst antique items for almost always having the maker’s name and place-name on them. This gives them a real identity which enables descendants (and of course others) to have a tangible piece of working history in their own homes.
We believe we are the only antique clock dealer to specialise on a geographical basis but we are certainly the only dealer to specialise in Wiltshire clocks (and also watches and barometers) . We constantly search all over the world for new acquisitions and regularly ship clocks to customers in continental Europe, the United States, Australia and New Zealand.
We not only search for clocks for our own collection, but also for specific items for customers either based around the maker or place or even both. Some requests are not for clocks or makers from Wiltshire (!), but these are readily accommodated in our comprehensive searches.